package handlers import ( "fmt" "strconv" "" "" "" "" ) var cardTransform func(inp *db.Card) types.DbCard = func(inp *db.Card) types.DbCard { var curr types.DbCurrency if inp.Currency != nil { curr = currencyTransform(inp.Currency) } else { curr = types.DbCurrency{} } return types.DbCard{ ID: inp.ID, Name: inp.Name, Balance: inp.Balance, HaveCreditLine: inp.HaveCreditLine, CreditLine: inp.CreditLine, LastDigits: inp.LastDigits, CurrencyID: inp.CurrencyID, Currency: curr, DisplayName: fmt.Sprintf("%s •%s", inp.Name, inp.LastDigits), } } // @Summary Get card by id // @Description Get card by id // @Tags card // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Param Authorization header string true "Bearer token" // @Param card path int true "id" // @Success 200 {object} types.DbCard // @Failure 400 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 401 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 500 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Router /card/:id [get] func CardGetId(c *gin.Context) { GetHandler(cardTransform)(c) } // @Summary Get all cards for user // @Description Get all cards for user // @Tags card // @Produce json // @Param Authorization header string true "Bearer token" // @Success 200 {object} []types.DbCard // @Failure 401 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 500 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Router /card/all [get] func CardGetAll(c *gin.Context) { userID, err := GetUserID(c) if err != nil { c.JSON(500, types.ErrorResponse{Message: err.Error()}) return } preloadCurrencies := c.DefaultQuery("preload_currencies", "false") shouldPreloadCurrencies := false if val, err := strconv.ParseBool(preloadCurrencies); err == nil { shouldPreloadCurrencies = val } dbc := db.Connect() var entities []*db.Card var tx *gorm.DB if shouldPreloadCurrencies { tx = dbc.Preload("Currency") } else { tx = dbc } if err := tx.Find(&entities, db.Card{UserID: userID}).Error; err != nil { c.JSON(500, types.ErrorResponse{Message: err.Error()}) return } var ret []types.DbCard for _, entity := range entities { ret = append(ret, cardTransform(entity)) } c.JSON(200, ret) } // @Summary Add card // @Description Add card // @Tags card // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Param Authorization header string true "Bearer token" // @Param card body types.DbCard true "Card" // @Success 200 {object} types.Message // @Failure 400 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 500 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Router /card/add [post] func CardAdd(c *gin.Context) { card := &db.Card{} CreateHandler(card, func(src types.DbCard, dst *db.Card) { dst.Name = src.Name dst.Balance = src.Balance dst.HaveCreditLine = src.HaveCreditLine dst.CreditLine = src.CreditLine dst.LastDigits = src.LastDigits dst.CurrencyID = src.CurrencyID })(c) } // @Summary Edit card by id // @Description Edit card by id // @Tags card // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Param Authorization header string true "Bearer token" // @Param cardID path int true "id" // @Param card body types.DbCard true "Card" // @Success 200 {object} types.DbCard // @Failure 400 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 401 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 500 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Router /card/edit/:id [put] func CardPutId(c *gin.Context) { UpdateHandler( // Filter used to apply only needed changes from srt to dst before updating dst func(src types.DbCard, dst *db.Card) { dst.Name = src.Name dst.Balance = src.Balance dst.CreditLine = src.CreditLine dst.HaveCreditLine = src.HaveCreditLine dst.LastDigits = src.LastDigits dst.CurrencyID = src.CurrencyID }, cardTransform)(c) } // @Summary Delete card by id // @Description Delete card by id // @Tags card // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Param Authorization header string true "Bearer token" // @Param cardID path int true "id" // @Success 200 {object} types.DbCard // @Failure 400 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 401 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Failure 500 {object} types.ErrorResponse // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Router /card/delete/:id [delete] func CardDeleteId(c *gin.Context) { DeleteHandler[*db.Card]()(c) }