package tcpserver import ( "bufio" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "strings" "" ) type ServerLoggingLevel int const ( LogLevel_Nothing = 0 LogLevel_Connection = 1 << iota LogLevel_Messages ) const ( LogLevel_ALL = LogLevel_Connection | LogLevel_Messages ) type ServerConfiguration struct { MessageEndRune rune MessageSplitRune rune HandleClientFunc func(client net.Conn) LogLevel ServerLoggingLevel // ErrorResolver func(chan error) } func CreateHandleClientFuncFromCommands(bundle *tcpcommand.CommandBundle, conf ServerConfiguration) (func(client net.Conn), chan error) { clientErrors := make(chan error, 16) return func(client net.Conn) { defer client.Close() connReader := bufio.NewReader(client) for { msg, err := connReader.ReadString(byte(conf.MessageEndRune)) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { break } clientErrors <- err } msgWoNl := strings.Trim(msg, string(conf.MessageEndRune)) parts := strings.Split(msgWoNl, string(conf.MessageSplitRune)) for _, cmd := range bundle.Commands { if cmd.Command == parts[0] { cmd.Action(parts[1:], client) break } } } }, clientErrors } type Server struct { addr string PreHandlerClientFunc func(client net.Conn) HandleClientFunc func(client net.Conn) // Use PostHandlerClientFunc in your HandleClientFunc if you // use custom HandleClientFunc PostHandlerClientFunc func(client net.Conn) Exit chan bool // MessageEndRune rune MessageSplitRune rune ErrorsChannel chan error ErrorResolver func(chan error) LogLevel ServerLoggingLevel // Commands []tcpcommand.Command } func defaultHandleClientFunc(server *Server) func(net.Conn) { return func(client net.Conn) { if server.PostHandlerClientFunc != nil { defer server.PostHandlerClientFunc(client) } defer client.Close() connReader := bufio.NewReader(client) for { msg, err := connReader.ReadString(byte(server.MessageEndRune)) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { break } server.ErrorsChannel <- err } msgWoNl := strings.Trim(msg, string(server.MessageEndRune)) parts := strings.Split(msgWoNl, string(server.MessageSplitRune)) commandFound := false if server.LogLevel&LogLevel_Messages > 0 { log.Printf("Message received from %s : %s\n", client.RemoteAddr(), msgWoNl) } for _, cmd := range server.Commands { if cmd.Command == parts[0] { cmd.Action(parts[1:], client) commandFound = true break } } if !commandFound { server.ErrorsChannel <- fmt.Errorf("WARN: Command %s error: %w", parts[0], commandNotHandledError) } } } } // NOTE: HandleClientFunc is NOT created by this function // see: CreateHandleClientFuncFromCommands(bundle) func GetDefaultConfig() ServerConfiguration { return ServerConfiguration{ MessageEndRune: '\n', MessageSplitRune: ' ', ErrorResolver: func(c chan error) { for err := range c { log.Printf("DefConfig:Error: %v\n", err) } }, } } func CreateServer(addr string, options ...ServerOption) *Server { conf := GetDefaultConfig() for _, opt := range options { opt(&conf) } var cmds []tcpcommand.Command server := &Server{ addr: addr, Exit: make(chan bool, 1), HandleClientFunc: conf.HandleClientFunc, // MessageEndRune: conf.MessageEndRune, MessageSplitRune: conf.MessageSplitRune, ErrorsChannel: make(chan error, 8), ErrorResolver: conf.ErrorResolver, LogLevel: conf.LogLevel, // Commands: cmds, } if conf.HandleClientFunc == nil { server.HandleClientFunc = defaultHandleClientFunc(server) } return server } func (s *Server) StartServer() error { if s.Exit == nil { return fmt.Errorf("server's Exit channel is nil. Can't start server") } if s.HandleClientFunc == nil { return fmt.Errorf("server's HandleClientFunc is nil. Can't start server") } if s.ErrorsChannel == nil { return fmt.Errorf("server's ErrorsChannel is nil. Can't start server") } if len(s.Commands) == 0 { s.ErrorsChannel <- fmt.Errorf("WARN: len(s.Commands) == 0! Server is running without commands") } listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.addr) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("net.Listen: %w", err) } defer listener.Close() if s.ErrorResolver == nil { return fmt.Errorf("server's ErrorResolver is nil. Can't start server") } go s.ErrorResolver(s.ErrorsChannel) log.Printf("Server started listening on %s\n", s.addr) loop: for { select { case <-s.Exit: break loop default: newClient, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { s.ErrorsChannel <- fmt.Errorf("listener.Accept: %w", err) break } if s.LogLevel&LogLevel_Connection > 0 { fmt.Printf("New Connection from %s is accepted\n", newClient.RemoteAddr()) } if s.PreHandlerClientFunc != nil { s.PreHandlerClientFunc(newClient) } go s.HandleClientFunc(newClient) } } return nil } var commandDuplicateError = errors.New("Command already exists in server") var commandNotHandledError = errors.New("Command was not handled") // On registers an action for a specific command. The action will be executed // when the command is received from a client. For example, given the input // string `TEST 1 2 3 4`, the command would be `TEST`, and the args would be // []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}. // // NOTE: This behavior applies only if `MessageSplitRune` is set to the default value (' '). func (s *Server) On(command string, action func(args []string, client net.Conn)) error { for _, cmd := range s.Commands { if cmd.Command == command { return fmt.Errorf("Failed addding command %s: %w ", command, commandDuplicateError) } } s.Commands = append(s.Commands, tcpcommand.Command{ Command: command, Action: action, }) return nil }